Does GOD Exists???

I was going through a community on the existence of GOD and some text got sequenced and I thought of posting in my Blog.

The question was if 'GOD' exist and people started arguments using their 'own' god. most of the good guys answered yes or no. thats was simple. After customising 'GOD' according to ones own religion we fail in our effort to win on the fact that GOD exists, because if he existed, then he wouldn't make his team of believers weak by dividing into religions, who have to win over other religions more importantly than the atheists. Well, lets get back to our topic.

We exists. thats the truth. in any form or any way. And most importantly, inside us the existence of 'BELIEF' in any form makes us live our life or survive for the next day. The worst of the 'feelings' inside us, that is 'FEAR', makes us do and think in a way where we become dependent on some 'SOCIAL' figures that may include 'MAN' or "MAN MADE'. Even the most ferocious and courageous needs the feeling of 'BEING' protected and guided.

Now the question is what exactly is the 'BELIEF'? I won't ask you guys anything but I shall put up some simple questions for myself and share the answers with you
1) Have I seen god?
Ans : NO, Never
2) HAve I felt god?
Ans : NO, Never
3) Did I believe in god?
Ans: Yes, till I realised that I never seen or felt any such force. And I was believing just because my family and surrounding was believing.
4) What do I believe then?
And : In myself, my acts and on my beliefs itself.

Whats science?
Ans: The solution for some mysteries that exists for which we don't have an answer and term it as god. sometime we will explore the unknown through science.

When our body and soul work so synchronised to achieve a goal no matter how difficult it is, there happens to be no stoppage on our path as everything falls our way and we just achieve it through the support of the 'BELIEF' that one may term as 'god' or 'self-belief'.


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