Vibes - or is it energy?

There are multiple types of energies that works on us. Most of them are due to entities surrounding us. Entities like people, materials that we posses, materials that we use which we may not posses. When one starts closely observing the change in the pattern of the thought process, the way we act, the way we behave, we tend to find a strange relationship between the external entities and the state of the self within, which may be mental or physical. It's kind of complicated to express, or rather understand, but the patterns are definitely visible. This is probably a curse for people with strong memory, for people who wish they did not have this memory which is like engraved on a stone. 

Let me try to put it this way. We meet many people in our daily life and every one of them come with a particular type of vibe. I am not sure what this vibe exactly is, but for my understanding purposes I term it as energy. Once someone comes in our energy field or we enter their energy range, we tend to observe certain changes in our thought pattern, in our beliefs. When this happens all other characteristics change, as the root of our existence and our character is our thought process - our mind. Most of the time we do not acknowledge the existence of this energy from other person, or cannot even feel it, but in the long run we do realise the various effects like happiness, depression, anxiety, joy or sometimes rarely - spiritual growth. Why does this happen? We do tend to believe that everyone is the same, but then why does this differences in results from different relationships happen? Strangely, once we move away from certain people, our quality of life improves or in some cases deteriorate. I am very sure, from my experiences that there is some sort of energy exchange happening between two people - some good, some bad. For most of us this energy exchange can be explained with different emotions like attachment, hatred, envy, jealousy, love, sexual intimacy or compassion - in nutshell all types of emotion that we feel.

On a practical level, I've personally tried "cutting energy cordexperiment How To Cut Energetic Cords With Archangel Michael, and found it to be tremendously powerful as I saw the effect just in a few day, not even weeks. In one case it was immediate. But before trying this, do experiment "Muscle testing" - Muscle Testing Technique. Some argue not to use this process as the consequences can be dangerous, but in my case I found it to be very effective, though nothing extremely negative consequence was experienced. In fact the feeling of weakness - mentally and physically vanished after trying out this method. However, I do not recommend anyone using this method unless one is very sure of living with the consequences which may be either positive or negative depending on one's beliefs or thought process. My belief in energy connect only increased after this. 

Why did I try this exercise?
Well, there are multiple reasons. One being my trial to stop living in the "past" and "future". A hyperactive brain like mine works overtime in living in the past, with the chapters of happiness and regrets, and tries to complete the stories those were left incomplete in those pages. This takes up a lot of energy, in fact exhausts oneself. I had to tear off the "past" pages from my book. The second part is the future. Nothing in my life works as planned, so I prefer having no plans for the future. Again, here comes the hyperactive mind which starts building castles even with a small twig that I see in the present. To be more precise, the "attachment" emotion. A small tip will trigger a Bollywood script and I tend to build a whole life from that, at very high speed. The result is quite complicated since I tend to literally live in that "future" world, sometimes may be for just a few seconds but that results in a strong bonding or that feeling of attachment which can be sometimes very strong. This change at the emotional level can be arrested if one become aware of one's emotions and take appropriate measures(meditation?). However, the addiction of living in the past or in the future(dream) can be sometimes a little disturbing as it may trigger other emotions like regret, guilt, passion, attachment or more importantly - Love. The building of "attachment" feeling often accompanies the fear of losing and the fear of consequent heartbreak and that triggers a feeling of fear in the mind. I tried the exercise both ways - for past and future. The future part was also as effective as the attachment building up in my mind for someone was arrested as soon as I tried this experiment. The communication, which I felt was both ways came to a standstill after performing this experiment. I sensed a great difference in the level of bonding with people from the "past" and people from the "future". My emotions were numb for people from both sides and I could answer very clearly what my feelings were for them. The results, being instant sometimes can lead to a feeling of regret as our "worldly" conditioned mind finds it difficult to suddenly live without that feeling of attachment, specially with a person from the future whom one started to feel comfortable being with.

Coming back to the topic of energy connect, I recollect one of the experience of a close friend who underwent a heartbroken phase. This guy is very simple and loves a simple life. His first and long time girlfriend with whom he had bonded very strongly and had all the future plans to set up a beautiful life with, had for some reason decided to call it a day. There might be some more issues but the break up had a deep impact in him. He spent some time in grief and was not in the normal frame of mind after losing the relation. From what I understand, he seemed to have mixed set of emotions - sadness, sense of being cheated, feeling rejected to name a few. He started searching for ways to get out of this miserable state of mind, and as most of us know, its not always easy to get out of such state on one's own as long as one is not extremely spiritual and lives a life of complete or near complete detachment. While searching for information, he came across a source which mentioned the power of praying and the content in the page suggested him to pray for the other person, in his case - his ex-girlfriend. He started praying for her and over the period of (short) time he got out from his negative state of mind. He told me that this exercise may not make any sense for 1 to 2 weeks, but then gradually the negative effects come down. This narration led me to look at other methods of getting over the energy influence. The energy field stays even after a relation is finished, probably at the soul level. We invoke other emotions to release ourselves from the energy field. In his case he invoked love along with forgiveness to get out of that energy field. I believe this is the best and the smoothest way to un-bond with another soul.

The field of energy MAY go beyond human beings. I have some non-patterned observations which has led me to think about this. One thing what people always talk about is removing the clutter from our life - things that no longer serves any purpose in our life, which is why we give/throw away somethings those are left in a corner in our home. Does that mean that unwanted stuffs that no longer any purposes serves negative energy on us?

Another factor could be with pets or maybe plants. On an outer level, we believe that we should take care of other living being, be kind with them. The following text may sound a bit superstious, but the observed pattern gives me some confidence to mention it here. I had a bunny, my only companion for some time. I had got two of them but unfortunately lost one for some unknown reason. Rabbits are usually very social animals and are capable of having emotions, though not sure if as strong as humans. This is also one of the reason why we should avoid having a single rabbit as pet, as they need company. This guy would wait till I got back home and once I open his cage, would come behind me all around the places I move inside the home. He probably misses another soul terribly. Not sure if this dumb soul had any capability of communicating, but I used to feel very uncomfortable all the while he was with me for leaving him alone for most of the time. I did look for another rabbit that would match his size and age, but couldn't find one. Finally, when my health deteriorated and was unable to take good care of him, I decided to give him away to the gardener who visits our society. The gardener had good space and got a company for him following which he became a father and has a sizable family now. My life started moving towards a positive direction after i gave him away. Like I said earlier, this might be superstitious, but the pattern made me think about this, though I do not completely believe in anything unless I've 100% proof.

The reason why I put these thoughts into words is the sudden surge in emotions I had for someone from the "past" page with whom I had cut energy chords. That sudden strong unexplained fluctuation in emotions, while I am being aware is something I would like to understand and identify the source of. The best part is that as I wrote the above paragraphs, my mind started calming down - which makes me think that energy influence of the other person was probably directed in another direction - words. Might sound completely stupid, unexplained, superstitious or a completely confused mind, but the truth is that my awareness level increases as I am putting my thoughts in words.

I recommend not cutting energy chord with any person who has the potential to enter your life, just the sake of it or for unconfirmed fears, i.e from your future page unless you get very very negative feeling from them. This is not a simple exercise or a child's play. Once you perform this, you will not get the same feeling (both ways) you had earlier with the person and I am not sure if the same emotions can be rebuilt. Exercise caution!

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