Energy influence and relationship

Like it or not, you'll mostly pickup vibrations from people with whom you are/were connected with, even for a brief time. These vibrations are basically emotions, triggered by the thoughts in the minds of the other person. It's interesting to realise that you'll get happy when the other person is happy and get disturbed when the other person is disturbed or thinking bad about you. That's because of energy connection, sometimes weak and sometimes strong. When I say thinking bad, I mean thoughts and emotions triggered by ego, insecurity, jealousy, envy or anger. Sometimes the vibrations are so high that you'll feel extremely disturbed and start getting frustrated for no reason. Most of the people who receive such vibrations are not aware of the reason.

On the other hand, when someone has pure love for you, and you are in their thoughts with beautiful memories, you'll definitely feel those wonderful sweet beautiful vibes. Your day will naturally be great since you are being filled with someone's love - the greatest and powerful force in the world. You'll feel like being with them all the time, talking to them and gather more of that beautiful energy. That's why your life becomes beautiful when you are around people who love you. This is why being in love is beautiful in the initial stages, since both the people have sweet feelings for each other. 
This also depends on the individual's receptive capacity for energies. The person will be more susceptible to vibrations if they are sensitive or has a weak aura or if they happen to be an empath. Some people are usually unaffected by anyone's energy because they may have a strong energy envelope. For the weak ones it very difficult. The energy connections can be formed with someone for various reasons. Sometimes it's because one may like the other person or is in love, or may have a soft corner for the other person, or is very close to the other person and also because the individual have had sexual relation with the other person. But whatever it is, it's a connection that's formed when two people come in contact in any form with each other.

For people who are weak, it's better to not get into any relationship with people who are not sorted inside, or mentally or are not aware about their own emotions or feeling. It will get messier in such cases. This is also the reason why one should avoid nasty and jealousy blood relations, or friends who are jealous of the individual or their success, competitors who don't like the person or their well being and avoid sexual relations with people who have mood swings often. When in a relationship, aggressive and insecure males can create havoc on the female's life, and insecure and jealous females can literally destroy the peace of mind for the male. It might not look so dangerous initially, but in the long run, it will cause all types of trouble. Usually, when things go wrong, they just go more wrong for the worse, since the individuals involved are not aware of the transformations. So it's better to get detached at the earliest.

I've started feeling that what I am or what my behaviour is, is probably effected by all and different types of relationships that I've had in the past and even present. In fact it might seem that some old connections are still effecting me even today, but can't relate which one from the distant past is effecting me now. But for the people from the recent times, I can consciously feel their energy influence instantly. That connection is real time, instant. That's one of the reason why I am so restrictive on building new relationship. Initially the relation seems to be really beautiful, but with passing time it mostly turns very sour. There's ego, sense of superiority, feeling of low worth for the other individual, jealousy, envy, many times anger due to some miscommunications etc etc. All these starts effecting the relationship and being in that relationship feels very heavy and uncomfortable. The individual still remembers the initial days and tries to be in that relationship thinking that the current phase is only temporary and he/she will get back those beautiful moments. But what the individual doesn't realise is that all those initial beautiful time is history and that now there's every emotions other than love, which was the initial emotion experienced. It's all about the emotions which is basically the energy that connect two people. 

One way to avoid such issues is to avoid getting into any relationship at all. Detachment, in other words. Mind you, detachment is very powerful and very addictive. The individual is in his/her own shell for most of the time and is happy the way they are. They try not to think about what the other person is doing, thinking or feeling for them. That's the easiest way to disconnect. But there's a problem here, and that is the INDIVIDUAL themselves. They being human, have a lot of emotions, and like everyone, they have longing for love too. That brings them back to the attached world. But once they get attached, they again start feeling the vibrations, mostly negative.

The other method is to be self aware. Being self aware about one's own emotions helps in responding to other's vibrations. the individual will definitely feel the vibrations but will choose to not react to it or get attached to it. Reacting will help the individual to release that negative energy build up - which is good and bad at the same time, but getting attached is extremely bad and leads to stress and can effect one's health severely. When one is connected to the other, one is prone to absorb other's different forms of energies, like their anger, fear, ego etc etc.

The easiest and the most beautiful method compared to the above two methods is to surround the self with beautiful souls. Many times, meeting people is beautiful, gives you that blissful state of mind and extreme peace when things are very good. It's only slowly that the real side, or the hidden sides of the individual comes out after they get to know each other for sometime. Expectation creeps in , followed by resentment, sometimes lack of respect or privacy or sometimes insecurity. One can sense the shift in the vibrations as time passes by. If one is not aware, they may get carried away and respond accordingly to that shift in emotions and respond which leads to fights, misunderstanding or anger and resentment. This is why it's important to not respond to anyone who is angry or disturbed, since responding to them makes the individual to accept their negative energy. This is where the intentions come in. Surrounding the self with people with good intentions, people who are contented within, people whose thoughts are sorted out and people whose mind, body and actions are totally in sync, and people who are forgiving, prove to be the best asset for any individual.  They have such profound effect on you that you slowly start changing for good as you start receiving their love and other positive energy and start leading a positive life
 This is what has helped me all the time - good people, or as long as they are good. I also practice detachment many times, but I prefer keeping aside detachment as it doesn't have any spice in it. Remember, detachment initially looks like bland and spice-less food that has no taste - no salt, no sugar, no spice. This keeps the individual away from experiencing some pleasant tastes, but the good thing is that the individual is not subjected to extreme conditions like too much of chilly or salt or some other extreme taste. But again, we should also acknowledge that spicy food is not very good for health in the long run. That makes detachment a healthy way to exist. I somewhere feel that prolonged detachment can lead to profound bliss, when practiced thru Sadhana and meditation, but that route doesn't seem to be an easy one. Besides, not everyone will be motivated to drop everything and go to the Himalayas and meditate there wearing a langhot.

Keep your awareness always intact, if not high and raising. Realise and acknowledge every emotion that you undergo or feel. Do not take any internal disturbance lightly. In the beginning you might feel very peaceful with some individual during the initial phase, but later you'll feel those extreme negative vibrations with the same individual. Remember, the person is the same, it's only their thoughts, feelings or emotions has changed for you. You should think twice before accepting the new emotions. Neither you nor the other person has changed, it's your and other's emotions that have changed. The situations has changed. Don't get carried away in sexual relationships, they are the biggest distractions and trap, and so its better to be restricted with whom you sleep with because that's when you expose yourself to extreme emotions and most of the time you don't know what energies or emotions is your partner carrying with them. Even when involved in sexual relation, be aware of not acting out of lust, but love. Having multiple partners can be very harmful as one could be exposed to energies from various men or women and carry that accumulated energies with them and effect other people with whom they'll have future relationships or are in relationship. Always remember that sex is divine and must be practiced only with love and not as a getaway for frustration or anger. If you are not in peace, then don't get involved in it. That way you can maintain the good vibes and protect yourself.
One must also take care of the other individual's addictions like alcohol and drugs. People who consume external support substances are more prone to be disturbed inside because their energy patterns are influenced by the chemicals like alcohols, drugs or other form of intoxicating agents. Meditate if you are disturbed and try to locate the source of emotion. And don't be skeptical in trying new relationships. There will be many sad experiences, disappointments and rarely disasters, but who knows someday you'll end in love and become love. Don't stop the journey

But one should also always remember one very important fact. It's not always the other person who is at fault or has negative energy, many times it could be you. You can also have negative energy which could trigger disturbances in the other person which in turn might affect you. In that case no matter how much you try to handle energy, the energy vibrations will still remain within you since the problem source is within you. So being aware, non reactive and calm is what helps in such situations. Handle your ego very carefully and don't get swayed or carried away with it. Respect the other individual as much as you respect yourselves. Being humble and aware of such little emotions can help you remain a better human and make sure that you are not at fault. Remember, you don't have to win over the other person, you only need to protect yourself. Have high respect and send love to the person with whom you have energy issues and want to disconnect, only that way you can achieve peace. Forgive the other person if you think that they have hurt you. Any resentment or anger towards the other person will not help you to detach or achieve peace.

If you want to manipulate energy connections, then do read the page - Vibes - or is it energy?. Remember, I don't recommend anyone to play with energy, since it sometimes changes a lot of good things too and it might be irreversible many times. It also doesn't fit in my karma theory, but I'll tell you that trying this out had helped me when I was desperately trying to survive, being at the verge of breakdown. So choose wisely on what you want to do.


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